Unfortunately, this is the last post that I will be making about fashion trends here in Tokyo for quite some time. I really enjoyed it, however it's time I place my focus elsewhere. I'm thinking of documenting my training regimen for the Tokyo Marathon.
Yes, that's right. I will be in the Tokyo Marathon (only the 10km race) at the end of February. I've got to get back into excellent condition ASAP. I'm going to use this winter break wisely, and exercise as much as possible.
Without further ado, here are the pictures.
1. This guy actually grew his beard, so that he could be a lumberjack on Halloween... ignore the guy in the background.
2. A blue-eyed ninja.
3. Christmas came early this year...
4. A seductive (not so) Little Red Riding Hood, and pal.
5. I'm not quite sure what he is.
Shibuya was really fun, but like I said earlier Omote-Sando was not all that great. We were there for 5 hours, and we only managed to get 3 people, so I'll just tack those onto the bottom.
1. I DID NOT take this picture on Halloween! It's different...
2. I really liked the guy in the middle's cardigan. The guy on the right looks like he didn't want to be in the picture. Which is funny, because I don't remember asking him to be in it.
3. Everytime I do this I fall in love with someone (See Takadanobaba #10, and Ginza #5). This time it was her. She's awesome.
4. Nice and simple.
5. I really liked his bike.
6. I was a bit shocked by this one. He looks like he came from a Harry Potter book. After I took his picture, he insisted on taking ours.
7. I have a feeling that if I we did voting for Shibuya, than this guy would've won. I showed my Kaachan, and she said he was "cute".
8. They seem a bit cold. I'm glad they stopped, and allowed me to take their pictures while it was raining.
9. This is my vote. I mean... you've got to be really confident in order to wear equestrian pants. I actually thought about buying a pair of equestrian pants a while ago, but changed my mind, because I knew I'd never wear them. He's an assistant stylist.
10. We found a small gang. I like the guy on the left's sweater, and the guy on the right's trench coat.
1. Bless their souls. They are hands-down some of the friendliest, and funniest people I've met since I've been here in Tokyo. I love this guy's velvet shoes.
2. Chosen by Kazuki. I like her blazer.
3. Art-school girl! I Looooooooooooove Aaaarrtttt school giiiiiiirrrrrrrlllss. (Ninjasonik - I love Art school girls).
That's it (for quite some time actually). Again, I'd like to thank EVERYONE that allowed me to take their picture. I've had a lot of fun doing this.
Thank you